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Academia Stack Rights over masters thesis is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education.
It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I realize my thesis is my work and I have the copyright permissions, but I am wondering what rights I have and what rights my school has if I were to take my thesis and develop it into a product which I then sell to customers, rights over masters thesis.
I can only seem to find answers on the internet that pertain to the copyright permissions of the actual developed thesis, not products that might be derived from such efforts, or code that was developed in rights over masters thesis with writing the thesis.
Your institution almost certainly has a policy on this, and an office dedicated to administering it. You should consult them. If you really think this is serious, you should also consult an intellectual property attorney rather than relying on the babblings of some goofball from the Internet e.
In the US, employees of a university are commonly required to sign an agreement that the university has an interest in any patent or other profitable invention that they develop in the course of their work.
The agreement usually specifies that the royalties and other profits are to be split between the university and the inventor. I have not heard of this being required of students, and if you had signed one, you would presumably know.
However, if your advisor had a significant part in the project, he or she may have some rights in it as a matter rights over masters thesis law and the university in turn would get a share of your advisor's, per their agreement. Note that it may be relevant where the funding for the project came from, and what if any financial support you received from the university.
This is a very difficult and touchy question, rights over masters thesis. You need to talk to your supervisor as early as possible. Many students drastically underestimate the supervisor's contribution. Starting rights over masters thesis graduate studies with the idea is very different from developing the idea in conjunction with your supervisor. Regardless of how the legal situation is, discuss it with you supervisor in a friendly way to figure out.
if he wants to put stones in your way, even for the things which you legally could sell. Even if you may win a lawsuit, financing a lawsuit before you actually sell products could be a problem. if he would like to create a company with you in that case you would have continued access to the research. if some technology is already patented for some applications or if parts of the materials you used were obtained under an NDA. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Who holds intellectual property rights on a thesis? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 3 months ago. Active 4 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 8k times. Any links to proof or rights over masters thesis precedence would be very helpful as well. thesis copyright intellectual-property, rights over masters thesis. Improve this question. edited Oct 7 '12 at aeismail k 34 34 gold badges silver badges bronze badges.
asked Jun 12 '12 at jluzwick jluzwick 2 2 silver badges 5 5 bronze badges. Almost every university especially research universities has policies on intellectual property rights. PDF to Duke University'swebpage from U Denverand webpage from the University and College Union a union organization representing students and employees of universities and colleges in the UK.
Policies are generally largely the same in spirit while differing in detail. You should ask around for your local version, rights over masters thesis. related: academia. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer.
answered Jun 12 '12 at Nate Eldredge Nate Eldredge k 41 41 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. In the case of PhD students, the line between employee and student is remarkably blurry. I'm not sure whether the situation is similar for Masters students. As a PhD student at my institution, I was definitely considered an employee. StrongBad StrongBad k 28 28 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Regardless of how the legal situation is, discuss it with you supervisor in a friendly way to figure out if he wants to put stones in your way, even for the things which you legally could sell.
if there is a competitor e. answered Jun 4 '17 at Sascha Sascha 2, 6 6 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up rights over masters thesis Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Featured on Meta. Updates to Privacy Policy September CM escalations - How we got the queue back down to zero. Should the answer that appears on "top" be the OP's "accepted answer" or the Linked 1.
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