Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving Dreams are people’s expectations for a better tomorrow. However, intoxicated drivers shatter those dreams without a reason or warning Jul 19, · Drinking and Driving Persuasive Essay. Comm July 12, Drinking and Driving. Each year numerous lives are lost due to careless and irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to the United States of America for years Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving. “Every day, 28 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This is one death every 51 minutes,” ("Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center")
Drinking and Driving Persuasive Essay - Words | Bartleby
Connecticut has taken a stand and been one of the twelve states to lower their legal BAC level to. I truly agree with this decision, and hope that other states will follow our lead. Strict criminal prosecution of alcohol-impaired drivers is the most effective deterrent in reducing the menace of alcohol-impaired driving.?
Henderson, This battle isn? t just between people who are old enough to drive as well as drink. Teenagers, much like my self, are taking action against drunk driving.
However, intoxicated drivers shatter those dreams without a reason or warning. Even with all the advertisements that highlights the dangers and effects of driving drunk, yet people still chose to drive while intoxicated. Many advocates are working hard to get these people off the streets, and they have been able to reduce the number of alcohol related crashes, persuasive essay on drinking and driving.
Organizations such as Mothers against Drunk Driving have acted alongside law enforcement to reduce the horrific statistics. a lot of people may not try to put themselves and others at harm, but drinking and driving they are automatically putting them at harm. You can avoid drunk driving car accidents by putting drunk drivers in jail on their first offence.
One, it will take them off the road for awhile. Two, they will learn their lesson while they rot in jail for awhile. Works Cited "GET INVOLVED. Drunk Driving as a Social Issue How much longer will we be forced to endure the pain and atrocities due to the carelessness of drunk driving?
At that time the political atmosphere defined crime in terms of personal choice and individual responsibility, persuasive essay on drinking and driving. Drunk driving was defined as a problem located within individuals.
Drunk driving is illegal in every state. Imposing only a fine of such low monetary value does not properly bear the significance of the crime or work strongly enough to discourage drivers from doing away with their phones putting their phones while driving. To unify evenly, the law should be enforced to deter texting while driving.
The punishment for contravening the law should be constant throughout the country. The model used by Massachusetts should be embraced. No one can argue with the fact that underage drinking is a huge problem in our society today. Nonetheless, there are ways to decrease these problems. The current drinking age, twenty-one, is not beneficial to our country anymore. Lowering the age to eighteen with a license will impact our country in a positive way, by decreasing the numbers of drunk driving incidents, and alcohol poisoning due to minors drinking in secret Those who oppose lowering the drinking age say that lowering it will cause less underage age drunk driving accidents.
They also say that the year-old brain is not developed enough to safely consume alcohol. It might restore some civil liberties casualty impairment caused by massive Governmental power which says it needs to be convicted and catch the drunken drivers.
If this offence was reckless instead of driving, then drunken driving is not the only crime here, persuasive essay on drinking and driving. Sure teens drink less often than adults but when they do drink they definitely drink more than adults. This practice is known as binge drinking. These harmful and unsafe activities that many teens are engaging in definitely prove the argument that the Persuasive essay on drinking and driving Legal Drinking Age 21 lowers the number of underage drinking wrong.
If, as adults, people have the right to serve on juries and make major decisions that can influence a whole nation, then at 18 people should be able to consume alcohol without having to worry about breaking the law, persuasive essay on drinking and driving. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would encourage people to drink responsibly and it would reduce traffic accidents that are caused by people driving under the influence. Public shaming at times is not even a punishment for some, if someone does a crime they should also do the time.
Public shaming can comes with serious consequences if given to the wrong person and if given to others it is just a slap on the wrist. Crimes should be taken seriously and so should the punishments. People should go to jail or do community service based on what they have done, they should not be let go so easily.
The court system seems to think that by using public shaming a criminal will not do the crime persuasive essay on drinking and driving. If those convicted drunk drivers were imprisoned right after their first misdemeanor, they would not have the chance to harm innocent lives again because they would be in jail, persuasive essay on drinking and driving, guaranteeing that they will not have the chance to harm an innocent life while under the influence.
Moreover, people will be more cautious after drinking since they will be terrified of getting caught under the influence of alcohol.
A more severe punishment would certainly decrease the instances of drunk driving. People can deal with fines and community service, but jail is something that no person wants to experience. Since the penalty is so bad people will not risk it and the streets will be persuasive essay on drinking and driving of intoxicated drivers. Home Page Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving. Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving Satisfactory Essays.
Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The combination of driving an automobile after drinking a significant amount of alcohol has been recognized as a serious problem since the motor car was invented in the s.
Bythe law in the United States had already codified drunk driving as a misdemeanor offence. Prohibitionists used the danger created by mixing alcohol and driving as a key point in their argument in favor of the eighteenth amendment, as a result of which the sale, manufacture and transportation of alcohol was banned between and This should not be a problem for any country as individuals should be able to control their drinking behavior.
Approximately one-third of individuals arrested for driving under the influence DUI in the United States are re-arrested, indicating that remedial interventions for DUI offenders are not completely effective. When it comes to drinking and driving, society tends to make psychiatric excuses for repeat offenders of alcohol abuse.
They are at times labeled as stressed, unemployed, substance abusers, to name a few. Should society be making excuses for these repeat offenders or actively ensuring that they do not become a danger to themselves or innocent individuals on our roads? So much is spent on rehabilitating these DUI individuals but their nonchalant re-occurring actions prove that mandatory jail time should be instituted to curtail the negative and deadly behavior they por middle of paper ught, he or she will not be severely punished.
The unsupported threat of increased penalties is not sufficient to achieve long-term changes in habitual drinking and driving behavior. Enough is enough and before any more innocent lives are lost, before any more property is carelessly destroyed, a stance must be taken to eradicate the disease called DUI. Get Persuasive essay on drinking and driving. Better Essays.
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Persuasive Essay - Drinking and Driving!
, time: 6:40Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving - Words | Bartleby

Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving. “Every day, 28 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This is one death every 51 minutes,” ("Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center") Persuasive Essay On Drinking Driving Words | 4 Pages. the charges. These notions may result in us being careless or reckless and not taking the possible consequences of drinking and driving seriously. Here are some things you should know: 1. Don't assume that just because your BAC level is under %, you cannot be prosecuted Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving. Drinking and Driving Drinking and driving is a bad custom practiced across the world. On average in a Canadian province, one in five drivers involved in fatal collisions have been drinking prior to the collision. Driving while under the influence is preventable, unfortunately most people underestimate the seriousness of driving while under the influence
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