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Internet security master thesis

Internet security master thesis

internet security master thesis

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Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Security mechanisms for Internet of Things IoT. George Mavridis. Georgios Mavridis. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. Today, IoT is primarily a vision that dictates that everything should be interconnected internet security master thesis the internet.

IoT is currently and for sure will be, the foundation for future development because it brings new opportunities for novel services. All objects will be connected and communication need to happen between all, while CIA triad at least should not be compromised, at all, internet security master thesis. This aspect leads to major security challenges, which will be treated hereinafter.

I am deeply indebted to all of you who have supported and encouraged me during working on my master thesis. I want to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr, internet security master thesis.

Nikolaos Aroukatos for the guidance and assistance during my thesis studies, internet security master thesis, my teachers, Mr. Dimitris Mitsis, Dr. Spiridon Chountasis, Drs Evangelia Vagana, Phd and Dr. Emmanouil Georgakakis internet security master thesis this journey. Last but not least, to Mr. Kostantinos Dalakouras without his understanding, encouragement, persistence, motivation and kindness it would be difficult for me to reach at this point.

My most sincere appreciation to Dr. Ioannis Karamitsos for his support, comments and initial input during this effort and for his suggestion to develop my research aligned with business needs. Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my family, for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout this journey.

Thank you all, once again. Device - to WSN Gateway security WSN Gateway to Internet Security Web Server Security Back infour students of Carnegie Mellon University, internet security master thesis, Mike Kazar, David Nichols, John Zsarnay and Ivor Durham wired up a vending machine so that they could see the availability and coolness of the soda cans in each dispensing column, remotely, internet security master thesis, over Internet security master thesis. Since then, the need of interconnection of all available objects over internet is increasingly demanding.

Big consulting companies calculate the number of these connected objects to reach 20bn bywhile the market is estimated to reach 3bn USD. The IoT industry is flourishing since the amount of computations that a computer can execute almost doubles biyearly, while the size and the amount of power needed is almost internet security master thesis for the same period. This means that smaller and more powerful devices are available for interconnection and data exchange offering a wide range of applications.

The Internet of Things covers several different domains and technologies, introducing challenges regarding interoperability between different stacks, and implementation of standards on low powered and low internet security master thesis devices.

All these combined, bring new challenges in security and questions regarding how to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability. As all innovative developments and IoT as well, ensure the users a superior life right now and in the years to come, but there is a great security concern.

Especially today, the privacy is increasingly concerned by the public. The IoT is an immature technology, internet security master thesis. The key internet security master thesis that affects the development of IoT is that a mature and complete security models and standards is lacking.

Compared to the traditional network, IoT integrates many different networks such as WSN, RFID systems, mobile vehicle network, xG 1 technologies, WiMAX, personal area network, VPNs and so many others. As the IoT environment becomes more and more complex and demanding, the security issues coped, are more and more complex than any other existing network systems.

My motivation for conducting the research in IoT, is the lack of sustainable and flexible solutions which to address some of the main security issues.

Some early security mechanisms and solutions are now being implemented, internet security master thesis they still need improvement and standardization. The full potential of IoT goes beyond the enterprise centric systems and moves towards a user inclusive IoT, in which IoT devices and contributed information flows provided by people, are encouraged.

This will allow new user-centric IoT information flows and new cohort of services of high value for the society. Security is one of the main IoT challenges nowadays.

An important consideration is which protocol stack provides best security and privacy services. Security can be provided at different levels so deciding the optimal choice, is not simple process. Since IoT is a relatively internet security master thesis concept, it is still unknown and not explored by many companies and employees in industry.

This limited knowledge, may cause them to be afraid of, or totally unaware of internet security master thesis potential security and privacy issues connected to their deployment of IoT.

Therefore, many organizations want to know more about the potential threats, benefits, disadvantages, challenges and solutions regarding security regarding IoT. Additionally, they need to know what competence in information security is necessary to realize cost effective security in conjunction with their deployment of IoT. In this way, managers can make a balanced risk-benefit analysis of the adoption of IoT for a specific application or family of applications.

Thesis Aims and Objectives The overall aim of this thesis is to assess the security mechanisms in the IoT area. This will include a review and comparison of the current IoT protocol stacks, advantages and disadvantages of different security mechanisms applied in IoT.

In this thesis, a distributed security mechanism end-to-end was developed for IoT applications. Thesis Outline This chapter gives the historical background of IoT, introduces this thesis aims and objectives and provides the outline of the thesis, internet security master thesis. The rest of the thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 2, Information Security. This chapter provides an overview of Information Security, illustrates the CIA model, discusses on security elements and provides an overview of countermeasures and security policies.

Chapter 3, Internet of Things IoT. This chapter gives an overview of Internet of things IoTanalyses the fundamental and provides the IoT roadmap over the time. This chapter provides an overview of the most important IoT technologies and ends with a comparison table with pros and cons per technology. Chapter 5, Architecture of IoT.

This chapter discusses the IoT reference model, The IoT internet security master thesis and standards and analyzes the six-layered architecture. Chapter 6, Security in IoT. This chapter concludes the challenges IoT ecosystem is facing will discussing the IoT protocols related to Security.

Chapter 7, Proposed Distributed Security Mechanism. This chapter describes the proposed distributed security mechanism to cover end to end, from IoT device to web server. Chapter 8, Implementation of the Proposed Distributed Security Mechanism. This chapter describes the implementation of the relevant mechanism and provides the results.

Chapter 9, Conclusion, internet security master thesis. This chapter describes the conclusion of this thesis along with implementation action plan, best practices along with a quick implementation reference card. On Appendix 1, all IoT relevant standards from various international organizations are presented. From the very first years of communication, the value of security mechanisms was very well comprehended. Julius Caesar was one of the first to use these practices by inventing the Caesar cipher at 50 B.

Internet security master thesis the mid of the 16th century various, governments around the globe, created organizations to secure the information and communication e. the UK Secret Office and Deciphering Branch in More recently, during 19th century and because of the two World Wars many authorities were created to protect the privacy of information; exchange of war related information between allies of the World War II, brought into the picture the necessity of encrypting 2, the information to become unreadable.

This brought us to the Enigma Machine which was invented at the end of WWI by Arthur Scherbius, but adopted by Nazis before and during the WWII to encrypt warfare related data.

Enigma was successfully decrypted by Alan Turing 3. At the end of the 20th century and early years of the 21st, a speedy development in telecommunications, hardware and software occurred while data encryption is happening. Things are getting smaller and smaller, more powerful and even cheaper, bringing computing closer to everyone, appealing not only to businesses but to individuals as well.

The Internet expansion and availability also helped on all these objects to be interconnected and made information publicly available. The model is also sometimes referred to as the CIA triad Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. These three pillars are considered the three most crucial components for security. Sensitive information is prevented from reaching the wrong people, while making sure that the right people can in fact receive it.

Access must be provided to the authorized to view the data. Some examples of practices used to ensure confidentiality is data encryption include bit not limited to, user names and passwords, two-factor authentication, biometrics, security tokens, hardware and soft tokens, etc. Data must be altered only by authorized people.

Measures include file permissions and user access controls, version controlling maybe used to prevent erroneous changes or accidental deletion by authorized users, which is a problem as well, checksums and cryptographic checksums for integrity verification; backups must be available to restore the data at its original state in case of permanent loss.

Backup copies should be stored in a different location from the original data storage, firewalls IDS and proxy servers can be used to prevent intruders. It is critical to comprehend that Internet security master thesis Protection Act prerequisites go beyond the traditional way or transmitted and stored data, internet security master thesis. he seventh data protection guideline identifies security requirements on collecting, storing and processing of personal data.

In Table 1 : IoT security threats, I am trying to summarize the most important ones. insecure Network Vulnerable Services Buffer Overflow Open Ports via UPnP Exploitable UDP Services Denial-of-Service DoS via Network Device Fuzzing.

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internet security master thesis

I am currently doing my Masters in IT Security and need to write my Thesis soon. Therefore I was thinking about picking up something fairly recent. Holo just recently grabbed my attention, but I am struggling to come up with ideas, hypothesis and research question for my Thesis Yes, we have a pool of multiple homework helpers who have done Masters in a specific degree. No matter if you ask us to do Internet Security Master Thesis my math homework for me or do Internet Security Master Thesis my programming homework, our homework helpers are always available to provide the best homework solutions. We also have multilingual homework helpers so if anyone asks Jun 12,  · Internet Security Master Thesis Application of any styles of formatting, such as Harvard, MLA, Oxford, APA, Vancouver, Turabian, Chicago, and others; Originality, creativity, and exclusiveness are always guaranteed; Privacy, security, and secrecy of /10()

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