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Custom archives thesis

Custom archives thesis

custom archives thesis

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow more * Set custom widgets for individual posts and pages, categories, post types, and archives * Seamless integration with the WordPress Widgets menu * Works with well-coded themes and doesn’t slow down your site * Set individual widget visibility – for guests, by This list of thesis topics has been divided into two categories; Masters thesis topics and PhD thesis topics. PhD Thesis Topics. This is a list of PhD thesis topics to give you an idea so that you can generate more thesis topics.. International campaigns on education and the measurement of gender equality in education

How to Create a Custom Archives Page in WordPress

WPBeginner » Blog » Tutorials » How to Create a Custom Archives Page in WordPress. Custom archives page is a great way to bring together all your old content in one page.

It allows you to have a dedicated page where you can list your monthly archives, category archives, tag archives, author archives, and anything else that you might want to add, custom archives thesis. We have a custom archives page for WPBeginner. Recently one of our users suggested that we write a tutorial on that. In this article, we will show you how to create a custom archives page in WordPress. By default, you have the ability to display your yearly archives by using sidebar widgets.

This can get out of hands once you have been blogging for more than a year. Imagine sites like WPBeginner that have been active for nearly 4 years, custom archives thesis. We would have 48 monthly archive links in the sidebar. You also have the ability to add category archives, author listing, etc on your sidebar. But why clutter the sidebar with so many links when you can create a single page to list them all.

This is when a custom archives page come in play. Not only does it allow you to avoid clutter, it also provides your users with an efficient way to browser through your older content. Sadly, most WordPress themes do not come with a custom archives page template. Note: Please do not confuse the custom archives with archive. php template that comes with most WordPress themes. The archive. php template is used to display monthly, category, tag, author, and other archive pages.

Our custom archives page would be a single page that will bring all of your other archives together. First thing you need to do is to create a page template for the custom archives page. Simply open a new file in your text editor i. e Notepad and name it page-archive. Next, Add the following lines of code at the top:. Upload the page-archive. php in your WordPress themes folder, and you have created an Archives page template.

Now we need to make sure that this page template matches the design of your site. Copy the content of your page. Now that you have the basic page template ready, you need to create a new custom custom archives thesis page in WordPress. Go to your WordPress admin panel and add a new page Pages » New. You can call this page Archives, Library, or anything else that you like.

Now look at the meta boxes below the publish button on the right hand side of your screen. You should see a meta box called Page Attributes. Click on the drop down menu below Template and choose Archive as your page template. Save and Publish the page, custom archives thesis. Now you have created a page that uses the archives page template, custom archives thesis, however it will not show any content.

If you look at our custom archives pagethen you will notice that we are not using the default monthly archives listing that comes with WordPress, custom archives thesis. Instead, we are using a plugin called Compact Archives, custom archives thesis.

Note we have adopted this plugin and are now maintaining it. Install and activate this plugin the Compact Archives plugin. After activating the plugin, add the following code in your custom archives page template page-archive. php :. Categories summarize the main topics of your website and are the best way to sort your content.

See why how we use Categories vs Tags. Since we are using categories as the main way to organize our content, we think it is absolutely crucial to list our category archives.

To save space, we are going to display it an inline list. Now we need to style this list, make it appear inline and improve their look, custom archives thesis. css file:. In our archives page, we have an Explore WPBeginner button. This button redirects users to a random post. The purpose is to allow users to randomly stumble through articles, custom archives thesis.

Learn how to redirect users to a random post in WordPress, custom archives thesis. While this is all the information that we have on our custom archives page, you can most certainly add more.

If you want to display a tag cloud of your most custom archives thesis tags used on the site, then simply add the following code in custom-archive, custom archives thesis. php file:. A comprehensive archives page allows your users to efficiently navigate through your old content. We hope that this article helped you create a custom archives page in WordPress.

If you have any questions or suggestions, then please let us know by leaving a comment below. Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of Custom archives thesis experts led by Syed Balkhi. Trusted by over 1. I have maybe a silly question. Is there any SEO benefit if I have a custom archive page or even archive. in the theme folder? This is what I would prefer. Having a custom archive would not give an SEO benefit, it would be personal preference and you can use your second method if you wanted.

Hi—my site is using the Genesis framework an it has a child theme. I tried to implement the page-archive. php, but I skipped the part where I copy the page design from page. So when I tried implementing this, when I go to my Archive place, it gives an Internal error, ie.

How does this work with Genesis? Firstly, Thank you so much. In normal pages it is visible. I will be so happy if you can help me out to display sidebar here too. Thanks In advance! This was a great custom archives thesis. However, the CSS code for the categories does not seem to custom archives thesis. It is shown as a list with categories and subcategories.

Where do I embed the code that you have given in the style. css file? What is meant by make custom archives thesis appear inline? It would be great if you could help me resolve this? Regards, Vijay Sundaram. Thank you for this helpful tutorial.

I do follow along custom archives thesis have my custom archive page up. However, I still get the default WP archive under my custom settings. Could you please have a look and tell me what have I done wrong? Unfortunately, its hard for us to detect any mistakes. We will recommend you to try the tutorial again and see if this helps. I wonder if anyone can help? To make matters worse these urls have been indexed by Google.

Please see WordPress troubleshooting custom archives thesis to figure out what caused this issue. How to customize the look of default archive page. I want to add 2 sidebars instead of 1 sidebar. php or archive. php template files and call your sidebars in the template file. Thanks for any help. This worked great, but I custom archives thesis to display an actual snippet of the archived pages instead of just a list.

Is there a way to do that? css file, Where should I paste it exactly?

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custom archives thesis

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