There are several schools of numerology. And they use different systems for assigning numbers to letters. The Pythagorean and Chaldean schools are the most widely used. The Chaldean numerology system assigns the numbers to letters according to their sounds. I prefer to use the Chaldean system import random as random wordlist= ["banana", "apple", "pear", "orange"] x = tries = 0 j = 0 y=str(0) for letters in x: x[j] = y print(x[j]) j += 1 y += 1 what I'm trying to do is assign a number to each letter based on where it is in the word eg. the word "banana", b=0, a=2 etc Assigning Numbers To Letters, Help With My Management Dissertation Methodology, Professional Masters Essay Editing For Hire Gb, Sexual Harassment Dissertation Special prices $ /page/10()
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Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This is a a plan of what i want to do with the code. As for adding up the digits, you could convert the resulting number into a string and convert each character to an int before summing up.
Note that you will have to strip the input text of any non-alphabetical characters, and capitalize all letters for this program to run - there are already plenty of online documentations explaining how to do this. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Assigning numbers to letters in Python Ask Question. Asked 5 years ago. Active 1 year, 10 months ago. Viewed 2k times. This is all I have to offer, I'm not sure if it's correct. input "What's your name? python python Improve this question.
edited Nov 20 '19 at Cœur asked Sep 10 '16 at Jack Jack 1 1 1 bronze badge. Can assigning numbers to letters provide some code to show any attempts that you may have made? Nobody is going to just flat out do your homework for you.
Harrison How did you know that this is homework? Is it wrong for me to help someone with a question like this assuming I don't know it's homework? pycoder It looks like a homework question.
As long as the problem description is an external content it is unclear what you're asking, assigning numbers to letters. What do you mean "not sure if correct"? The code doesn't run, so it probably isn't correct. Try using assigning numbers to letters python dictionary to map letters to integers — OneCricketeer.
Show 3 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Firstly, the input value needs to be assigned to a variable. So instead of doing input "What's your name? Next, we will need to declare a dictionary to map each letter to its number.
You can use the sum function to sum up the list of values, assigning numbers to letters. Improve this answer. answered Sep 10 '16 at Syphon Syphon 10 10 bronze badges. As you're a new user I understand why you want to answer questions like these and get some reputations, but when a question shows no indication of own effort to solve the problem then it shouldn't be answered.
I see what you mean and agree with you there. But we all had problems like this as a beginner. Also, I believe that I didn't write out the code for him, but corrected his mistakes and gave some possible ideas.
TedKleinBergman — Syphon. This isn't a problem for a beginner though, but for someone assigning numbers to letters haven't done any own effort. It's also a homework assignment so the teacher should have gone through the basics as well.
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Representing Numbers and Letters with Binary: Crash Course Computer Science #4
, time: 10:46Numerology - Wikipedia
import random as random wordlist= ["banana", "apple", "pear", "orange"] x = tries = 0 j = 0 y=str(0) for letters in x: x[j] = y print(x[j]) j += 1 y += 1 what I'm trying to do is assign a number to each letter based on where it is in the word eg. the word "banana", b=0, a=2 etc The expert essay tutors at Nascent Minds will elaborate Assigning Numbers To Letters every single detail to you. They will teach you how to write Assigning Numbers To Letters precisely. We are offering quick essay tutoring services round the clock. Only premium essay tutoring can help Assigning Numbers To Letters you in attaining desired results/10() Oct 26, · I have a formula which assigns a points score to letters in a range and adds them up. In the example below F=0, P=6, M=12 & D= =IF (COUNTIF (AT5:BE5,"="""),"",SUM (COUNTIF (AT5:BE5,"=F")*0,COUNTIF (AT5:BE5,"=P")*6,COUNTIF (AT5:BE5,"=M")*12,COUNTIF (AT5:BE5,"=D")*18))
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