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Apostle pauls humorous resume

Apostle pauls humorous resume

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Paul’s ministry resume and yours, part 2 — Southern Equip

If you sent a resume to a search committee to be considered for a pastoral opening in a local church, what types of information would it contain? If you taught a Bible class or served a short-term mission stint overseas, that would certainly make the list. You would include the names and contact information for several people who are likely to give a friendly assessment of your qualifications, character, apostle pauls humorous resume, and background.

Your aim would be to make certain your strengths stand out in bold relief so you would appear—on paper at least—better-qualified than the other candidates. Thus, in 2 Corinthians 11, Paul provided his pastoral resume, boasting in a rather lengthy set of qualifications that authenticated him as an apostle called and inspired by God. It reads quite differently than ours would:. Are they servants of Christ? I am a better one—I am talking like a madman—with far greater labors, far more imprisonments, with countless beatings, and often near death.

Five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and apostle pauls humorous resume day I was adrift at sea; on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger apostle pauls humorous resume Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.

And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches. Who is weak, and I am not weak?

Who is made to fall, and I am not indignant? If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. I will never suffer this way for Christ. Compared to this, all apostle pauls humorous resume well. Throughout the history of the church of Jesus Christ, a pattern has emerged in which the men whom God has used profoundly to build his church suffered grinding affliction along the way, apostle pauls humorous resume.

The church father Athanasius AD was exiled five times on accusations of heresy. Dozens of early believers were burned at the stake or fed to lions. John Calvin lived much of his life under a threat of death from the Roman Catholic Church, apostle pauls humorous resume. Scores of others, including those who comprise the remaining chapters of this book lived out the famous dictum of A. That is essentially the thesis of this article—before or often while God uses his ministers, he first fits them for gospel work with a harrowing walk along the Calvary Road of suffering.

The apostle Paul is something of a biblical paradigm of the suffering pastor. He detailed affliction in many of his letters, but teased it out in the greatest depth in 2 Corinthians. We should not conceive of Paul as engaging in mission and experiencing the unfortunate consequence of suffering in the process, as his difficulties were unrelated to his mission. On the contrary, the pain Paul endured was the means by which the message of the gospel was extended to the nations.

Suffering was not a side effect of the Pauline mission; rather it was at the very center of his apostolic evangelism. His distress validated and legitimated his message, demonstrating the truth of the gospel. For I will show him him much he must suffer for the sake of my name.

When a season of suffering sets in, apostle pauls humorous resume, pastors tend to wonder if something in the cosmos is out of kilter. Perhaps God is angry with me. Maybe his hand is not on my ministry.

But Paul argued nothing could be further from the truth. Instead, affliction might very well provide key evidence that God is in fact with his man. Through suffering on an unconscionable level, Paul learned six key lessons about being a faithful minister, lessons every minister ought to take to heart early in his ministry. We were planning on naming him after my distant cousin, Brooks Robinson, a baseball hall of famer in hopes God would give him that same baseball gene.

In the years that followed, we were amazed at how many friends came to us for counsel and encouragement after losing a apostle pauls humorous resume in utero. I had never really been able to relate to fellow pastors whose ministries exploded like Mount Vesuvius until mine did two years into my first pastorate. Previously, the best I could do was offer some Reformed-sounding platitudes featuring the Puritans, Spurgeon, and maybe Corrie ten Boom, assuring them that these saints suffered and we must too.

But my words fell with a thud; I knew not of what I spoke. God remedies this in his servants as the apostle learned ad-nauseam. How were they to become kingdom citizens? Surely through Christ alone, but also through trials. But, Paul assured his readers, God would be with them in the furnace—as he had the Hebrew boys in Daniel 3.

In turn, they would then be able to assure anxious believers of the faithfulness, love, and mercy of God who promised never to leave nor forsake his people Heb. Pastoral ministry is not a shelter from the storm of this fallen world, rather it is a call to plunge headlong into it. God calls his servants to run to the battle, not away from it.

And God sees us through difficult times so we apostle pauls humorous resume provide the sheep with the gospel comfort that comes from trusting fully in the kind purposes of the good shepherd. Just as Jesus picked up 12 baskets full of leftovers from his feeding of the 5, he will not waste your suffering, but he will use it to make apostle pauls humorous resume a compassionate shepherd in the local church for his glory as you experience the very aspects of the fallen world as do members of your congregation, apostle pauls humorous resume.

In this, they imitate Christ. They are utilitarian, designed for a single purpose—to hold food and allow the user to successfully consume it. Then, they are thrown in the garbage. They exist entirely for the sake of the food they will contain. In 2 CorinthiansPaul says pastors are kind of like that. They are cheap, Wal-Mart crockery—mere clay pots. God uses them to display and deploy a precious and powerful message—the gospel. Through this ordinary means, God proclaims his extraordinary gospel to show that it is the meal and not the plate that ultimately creates believers.

And the clay pots are vessels God subjects to suffering, but he brings them through it unspoiled and intact to demonstrate that the power to save sinners and preserve pastors belongs entirely to God.

Why did God strike Paul with such angry waves? John Bunyan, whom you will encounter in apostle pauls humorous resume later chapter, illustrates this point particularly well. The Puritan preacher was arrested in for preaching in a service outside the officially-sanctioned state church. Bunyan was not an educated man. He never spent a single day in seminary.

He was a tinker—a repairer of pots and pans—who ministered in the rural town of Bedford, England. Yet, God continues to speak to millions today through his printed works.

A powerful man? A clay pot? Jesus was born in a lowly stable to unremarkable parents, lived an obscure life, was eventually nailed to a cross between two thieves, and buried in a borrowed tomb.

Indeed, in one important sense, Ventura is correct. Like Paul, like the tinker of Bedford, all of us are apostle pauls humorous resume pots, weak men. If the transformation of sinners is to take place, apostle pauls humorous resume, God must do it. And he will strike the clay pot along the way to toughen it up for the work.

Paul expresses it in a series of contrasting couplets: he was afflicted in every way, apostle pauls humorous resume, but not crushed, perplexed, but not driven to despair, persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed, apostle pauls humorous resume.

What is God doing? Why is he doing it this way? He apostle pauls humorous resume demonstrating his awesome power through their astonishing powerlessness.

Thomas R. XX, John Pringle trans. Grand Rapids: Baker, Carson, How Long O Lord? Reflections on Evil and Suffering Grand Rapids: Baker, Jeff Robinson M. and Ph. He is pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Louisville, served as senior editor for The Gospel Coalition for six years, and is also adjunct professor of church history and senior apostle pauls humorous resume and teaching associate for the Andrew Fuller Center at SBTS. He is co-author with Michael A. He is author of Taming the Tongue: How the Gospel Transforms Our Talk TGC, forthcoming.

Jeff and his wife, Lisa, have four children. jcrobby Other posts. Learn More. Admissions Academics Students Alumni Give. Apply to Southern Seminary Visit the Campus. Tweet Share. It reads quite differently than ours would: Are they servants of Christ?

But as a herald of the gospel of Jesus Christ, apostle pauls humorous resume, I am called to suffer. Pastors in the Hands of an Angry God? Notes : 1. Schreiner, Pauline Theology


, time: 2:12

Paul’s ministry resume and yours, part 1 — Southern Equip

apostle pauls humorous resume

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